From Boats to Beds


In partnership with several other organizations, including One Community Many Voices, we’re participating in an initiative to provide garden beds, soil, and seedlings to Rockland residents.

While garden beds aren’t our normal fare, the idea grew out of a relationship we had already developed through our after-school programming. Normally, when he isn’t running the Skateboard Club or teaching Maritime Skills at The Apprenticeshop (or working on Break the Anchor!), João Bentes teaches an after school cooking program through OCMV, which is aimed at addressing food insecurity in the area.

Since schools have been closed down, OCMV hasn’t been able to deliver this program. The garden bed project was proposed as an alternative way to tackle the same food issues and keep in contact with students. We knew that with our skills and resources, the Apprenticeshop could shift focus and play an important role in turning this idea into reality. Within 2 weeks of announcing the effort, half of our after-school families have signed up to receive beds.

So what has it taken to make this project happen?

  • Lumber - Blain Winchester who owns the Bucksport Lumber Mill provided us with hemlock at a really good price to build the beds.

  • Seedlings - Herring Gut Learning Center has also partnered with us to help students enroll in the garden bed program and provide materials and resources to families so they can start seedlings at home.

  • Soil - Erickson Fields Preserve is donating soil and seedlings to the project.

  • Volunteers - Apprentices have assisted João with lumber preparation and community volunteers have helped construct beds for families who do not want to assemble the beds themselves.

All of the materials are being gathered in the Break the Anchor shed down on our waterfront to prepare for delivery to the students’ homes. There will be three rounds of deliveries: first, lumber and finished beds, then the soil, and lastly, seedlings. But that won’t be the end of the project. João will be checking in with students by phone and making in-person visits to assist families and see how the gardens are growing.

Ultimately, the goal is to provide all Rockland families with garden beds to improve food security in the city and provide hands-on educational opportunities to Rockland students. For the time being, we’re starting with our current student pool (ages 5th-12th), but we hope to branch out soon!